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Click to find out more about our original Langer magnetic clasps

Thank you for your interest in high-quality magnetic clasps with great pulling power Made in Austria!

Not all magnetic clasps are the same
  • Our original Langer magnetic clasp is unmistakable - the Langer® logo on the inside guarantees quality.
  • The original Langer magnetic clasp is "baked" = the magnet is completely and watertightly encased in a precious metal cover. This also protects it from sweat and humidity and jewelry can be cleaned in an immersion bath.
  • Power magnets with high tensile force protect the piece of jewelry from loss.
  • Register here. You will then receive information, videos about our latest developments, threading instructions, photos of sample necklaces with our magnetic clasps, our production and much more.

    P.S.: You can also unsubscribe at any time in the e-mail. Every e-mail from us contains an unsubscribe link at the end - but you would miss out on a lot of interesting information.

Steyrer Straße 13, 4470 Enns, Austria

Langer GmbH.

Phone: +43 ( 0) 7223 82592
Fax: +43 (0) 7223 82592 22